9Nights 10Days

Day 01. Arrive Paro by Druk Air
During this flight one will enjoy the view of Mt. Everest, Mt. Kanchenjunga and other Himalayan Mountains including the sacred Mt. Jhomolhari & Mt. Jichu Drake in Bhutan. On arrival at Paro Airport our representative of Kinga Lhendup Adventures will receive you and drive you to the hotel to check in. After lunch, visit Ta Dzong former Watch tower which now houses the National Museum and then visit Rinpung Dzong which houses the monastic school and the office of the civil administration and walk down passing close by crossing the Bhutanese typical wooden roofed bridge to Paro town. After a short stroll in the town drive back to hotel for the night halt.

Day  02. Paro -Excursion to Taktsang:  
After early breakfast drive up to the Ramthangka (base camp) of Taktsang and then hike up to the most famous monastery Taktsang, the Tiger’s nest. This magical monastery clings to the vertical granite cliff of 3,000 above the valley floor. It is believed that Guru meditated here in the 8th century. The disciples of Guru built the temple, which was later enlarged by Zhabdrung in the 17th century. After lunch walk back down. Further drive towards the north to visit ruins of Drukgyel Dzong built in 1646   by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel. From there one can see Mt. Jumolhari (mountain of goddesses) overnight at hotel.

Day 03. Paro -Thimphu – Whole day sightseeing:
Buddha Point/ Kuensel Phodang – Is the largest Buddha statue in the country, from there you can get a good view of the Thimphu valley.

Changangkha Lhakhang – it is right above Thimphu Valley, this temple and a monastic school were established in the 12th century on a site chosen by Lama Phajo Drugom Shigpo.

Motithang Takin Preserve – houses the rare national animal of Bhutan. Takin is listed by international conservation agencies as a vulnerable species and it is a rare animal found only in Bhutan, Nepal, and Burma.

Traditional Medicine Institute – In Bhutan, equal emphasis is given to both allopathic and traditional medicines. The rich herbal medicines made up from medicinal plants are prepared and dispensed here.

National Institute for Zorig Chusum – or the school of Arts and crafts is an institute where student undertake a six-year course on the 13 traditional arts and crafts of Bhutan.

Folk Heritage Museum – the house replicates a traditional farmhouse and is furnished as it would have been about a century ago.

Weaving center, Changzamtog and Bhutanese Paper factory.  Overnight at the hotel.

Day 04. Thimphu – Punakha:
After breakfast, drive to Punakha – approximately 3-hour drive through picturesque valleys and mountain slopes dotted with typical Bhutanese villages. From the Dochula pass, at over 10,000ft, vast panoramic views of the high snowcapped peaks of the Bhutanese Himalaya can be enjoyed on a clear day. Continue to drive down into the Punakha valley. On the way visit ChhimiLhakhang – This was founded in 15 Century by Lama Drukpa Kinley also known as a divine mad man. It is a half hour walk across a local village and rice field. Everyone in this kingdom believes that the Lam’s blessings will help a woman conceive. After lunch, we visit Punakha Dzong- built in 1637 by Zhabdrung. It is one of the most beautiful Dzongs in the country. Later walk around Punakha and Khuruthang town.  Overnight at the hotel.

Day 05: Punakha -Phobjikha:
After breakfast, drive to Phobjikha- is a bowl-shaped valley on the western slopes of Black Mountain. After lunch visit Gantey Goenpa as it is a major attraction with an old monastery date back to the 16 century. Later walk around the valley which is also the winter home to the rare black-necked cranes, which migrate, from remote parts of Tibet, China and Siberia during winter to this valley.  Overnight will be at the hotel.

Day 06: Phobjikha -Bumthang: 
After breakfast drive to Bumthang via Pele la pass at the altitude of 3,150 meters, a wonderful opportunity for photographs. En-route stops to visit Trongsa Dzong – the seat of the district administration, built in 1648. And visit Tower of Trongsa- converted into the museum from a watchtower that once guarded Trongsa Dzong against internal rebellion, stands in Bhutan’s history.  Continue drive to Bumthang.  Overnight at the hotel.

Day 07: Bumthang Halt:  Whole day sightseeing.
Jambay Lhakhang. Is a sacred monastery built in the 7th century by the Tibetan king, Songtsen Gampo. It is one of the 108 monasteries built by him to
subdue evil spirits in the Himalayan region. Chakhar Lhakhang. Besides the main road, a short distance beyond Jambay Temple is Chamkhar (Iron Castle). It is the site of the palace of the Indian King Sendha Gyab also known as Sindhu Raja. Kurjey Lhakhang (Kurjey means, “Body imprint”). The temple to the right was built by Minjur Tempa in 1652. It was built around the cave in which Guru Rinpoche meditated and left his body imprint.  Tamshing Lhakhang. This temple is also known as Tamshing Lhendrup Chholing (Temple of the Good Message). Jakar Dzong. The fortress is now used as an administrative center of the valley and summer residence of monks. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 08: Bumthang – Halt: After breakfast, we start the day by driving up to Rimochen and Ugyen Choling monastery. On the way to Rimochen visit Mebar Tsho (Burning Lake). Drive back to the hotel and have leisure. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 09: Bumthang – Thimphu: 
After Early breakfast drive to Thimphu. Stops at Chummy village to visit Yathra weaving central. Yathras are made into colourful scarves, bags, blankets, and sweaters. Continue drive to Thimphu. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 10: Departure: 
After breakfast, drive to Paro international airport for your onward flight. The representative of Kinga Lhendup Adventures will see off and bid farewell.

              *******************************************************TASHI DELEK***************************************************************

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